Thursday, March 25, 2010

March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month 2010. The theme is “Nutrition from the Ground up.” To improve your family’s eating habits, the American

Dietetic Association recommends starting with these basics:

1. Focus on fruits and veggies: Take a good look at your current diet and you’ll probably realize you’re not eating enough fruits or vegetables. Add a serving each day to one meal and increase it every few weeks. Adding more of these foods into your diet is important whether you buy frozen, fresh or organic.

2. Look locally: From farmer’s markets to community-supported agriculture, you have many options to find new, fresh foods in your area. This can be a great way to eat well and support your community at the same time.

3. Make calories count: “Too often, people think of foods as good or bad and that only those on the ‘good foods’ list are okay to eat.

When you’re choosing between options, focus instead on the one with more of the vitamins and nutrients that you need. Sometimes, foods with fewer calories aren’t always the healthiest options. To figure out how many calories you need to achieve a healthy weight, visit

4. Test your taste buds: A healthy eating plan emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy and includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and nuts. “Those are the basics, but within this wide range there are always opportunities to try new things and find new favorites. Expand your horizons. Try a fish you’ve never eaten before or find a new vegetable recipe. By testing your self, you might find new healthy favorites to add to your regular grocery list.

5. Trick yourself with treats: A healthful diet doesn’t mean deprivation.

If you have a sweet tooth, have fruit and yogurt for dessert.

If you want a snack in the afternoon, have some trail mix or nuts.

There is no reason to go hungry just because you’re making healthful changes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days

If you desperately need to FREE Yourself From Moles, Warts or Skin Tags without wasting your hard-earned money on useless over-the-counter products or expensive surgical procedures, then this is by far the most important page you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

“Are You Embarrassed By Your Moles, Warts or Skin Tags?”
Charles Davidson
Charles Davidson

The first sight of an abnormal skin lesion located on visible parts of your skin can be traumatic. At first glance, when you look in the mirror, was your reaction similar to this...

“My life is ruined!”

“I can’t be seen in public looking like this!”

“The first thing people will notice is this ugly mole, wart or skin tag!”

“They will think I have some kind of disease!”

“How will I get rid of this thing?!”

“No one in their right mind will date someone with such things coming out their skin!”

“I just want to hide under a rock until this thing goes away!”

And, all this is going through your mind at the first sight of the skin deformity.

Just imagine what’ll happen after you’ve tried every Moles, Warts or Skin Tag removal product, cream, laser treatment o

What Fast Food Should You Eat to Avoid Unwanted Fat?

Losing weight can really be hard sometimes. It's not made any easier when you have a random craving for junk food or when you are out with friends and someone just has to stop at the local fast food place and grab a greasy meal. What's the best thing to do if you have a sudden craving for junk food or a friend wants some and you are too polite to say no? Obviously the best choice would be to just NOT eat it, but if this can't be helped then the next best thing is to make the healthiest choice possible. You'll be doing your body a big favor by picking the lesser of the evils on the menu when you order something.

So just what should you order to avoid eating anything fattier than your body needs? The number one menu item to avoid is anything that has been deep fried and or has had bread added like hash browns or chicken nuggets. These kinds of menu items are drenched in trans fats from the industrial hydrogenated vegetable oils and consuming even a small amount can potentially have serious implications for your weight and health. This includes hardening of your arteries, heart disease and many forms of cancer just for starters.

You have probably noticed now that most fast food joints now offer a "healthy" menu. Salads and other menu items have been added that we never saw before. Take advantage of these "healthy" menu choices by ordering them, but keep in mind that you should be careful of what you add to them. A good example of this would be a salad. Sounds healthy, right? It might be until you look at what kind of salad dressing is added. Sometimes it is the little extra things that you add on that make the difference to how much fat is in a meal.

No-one but you is going to look out for your health and tell you what kinds of food you should and shouldn't eat. While the best way to speed up weight loss is to completely avoid eating junk food coupled with a daily exercise routine, there is always a time when you either just need to have a bite or your friends do and you can't say no. If this happens, just make sure you make the healthiest choice possible. Your stomach and body will thank you for it later.


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